What is PillSmart™ from Mednow? Simply put, it’s the simplest way to keep medication organized. Forget plastic medication organizers, forget the mess of pill bottles and more importantly, forget forgetting to take medications.
PillSmart is available to Mednow customers at no extra cost and prescriptions are always delivered fast and free. It organizes all your medications and supplements into easy to use, hard to forget daily dose packs. Refills are delivered to your door free and arrive before you run out so you need never run to the pharmacy again.
Each PillSmart pack is labelled with its contents and the date and time of the dose. Taking daily medication and supplements is as simple as pulling the next pill pack off the roll. About the only thing PillSmart can’t do is get you a glass of water. We’re working on it that*.

With Mednow, your refills are delivered to your door in PillSmart packaging before you run out. If your medications are spread out through the day, PillSmart easily accommodates with medications organized into morning, afternoon, evening and night packs as needed.
PillSmart also travels well; if you’re going away for the weekend, just tear off the dose packs for the days you’re away and off you go.
Who is PillSmart for?
If you take a few medications and/or supplements daily, PillSmart is for you. Whether it’s a daily selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI), blood pressure medication or any other daily “maintenance” med for which you get regular refills, PillSmart dose packs ensure you take the right dose at the right time.
So, we’re agreed PillSmart is good (right?!). You probably have some questions...
Can I get PillSmart?
Probably. If you take a few medications and/or supplements on a regular schedule, you can get PillSmart from Mednow at no extra cost.
Does PillSmart cost extra?
Why respond with one word (no) when we could respond with a TikTok video:
How do I get PillSmart?
Mednow pharmacists will recommend PillSmart to patients who would benefit from a simple pill sorting solution. Patients are also welcome to request PillSmart. Just start a chat with a Mednow pharmacist.
Not a Mednow customer? That’s easily remedied! Sign up with Mednow in just a couple of minutes. Chat with a pharmacist to transfer your prescriptions and boom, PillSmart.
How are medications organized into PillSmart?
We have a cool (and let’s be honest, expensive) machine that dispenses into PillSmart daily dose packs and prints each one with date and time of the dose along with the package contents. Officially, this machine is called PACMED but we call it Yoda for reasons that, were we to explain, would take us off track.
From there, a pharmacist checks the strip of PillSmart pill packs, rolls them up and puts them all into the PillSmart box for easy dispensing.
Really though, you don’t need to worry about any of that. All you need to do is open your door and accept your delivery.
Get PillSmart from Mednow
PillSmart is the easiest way to organize medication and it's available to Mednow customers at no extra cost plus fast, free delivery. Chat with a Mednow pharmacist in the Mednow app (Apple | Android | web browser) or by calling 1-855-MEDNOW-1 (1-855-633-6691) to see if you’d benefit from the easy PillSmart medication organizing system.
*We’ve just been informed that we are not, in fact, working on that and that 'we’re disrupting pharmacy, not plumbing.' The Mednow communications team regrets the error.
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